Benefits of nuclear power
We share the IPCC’s recommendations and analyses: a significant increase in the share of nuclear power is necessary to combat climate change, and the main obstacle to its necessary development is social acceptance.
But the human, social and natural benefits are far more far-reaching than the climate issue. Nuclear power generation meets all the objectives of sustainable development.
Nuclear power is France’s lowest-carbon energy source, and has many advantages in addition to being safe.

- France’s lowest-carbon energy
- One of the lowest-carbon energies in the world
- The world’s nuclear power plants x5 or x6 selected as a reference by the IPCC
- A tool for decarbonizing electricity, heat, hydrogen and synthetic fuels

- The smallest footprint on the ground, and therefore biodiversity, the smallest
- Lowest consumption of natural and extractive resources
- Very low water consumption
- Limited, localized heating of water limited and localized
- Limited waste generation no environmental impact

- A pillar of the public energy service
- Low, stable electricity prices, protected from from geopolitical and market fluctuations market fluctuations
- A net positive contribution to the European electricity system
- Energy produced entirely with and for the people around it

- Reliable, sovereign electricity to support support the country’s vital functions
- A competitive advantage for industry
- An argument for the economic attractiveness of regions and for industrial (re)location industrial location
- A positive contributor to the balance balance of trade

- A process that does not degrade air quality (no NOx, SOx or particles)
A positive human balance sheet on a global scale (low health impact of nuclear power plants, even in accident situations; essential contribution to nuclear and radiotherapeutic medicine). - Waste generated in limited quantities with no impact on health

- A young science with many new applications, and scope for accelerated progress
- An indispensable tool for space exploration
- A tool for food and water security
- An invaluable tool for medicine
- A source of skilled jobs that cannot be relocated, scientific research and innovation
Nuclear power and the 17 sustainable development goals
Nuclear power is a major ally in the fight against climate change
(sure, it’s nothing new, and it’s time to admit it)
Nuclear power plants provide large quantities of low-carbon energy
(and reliable, and affordable)
Nuclear power limits the impact on natural areas and biodiversity
(through its economy of resources and space, and the applications of nuclear science)
Nuclear power helps preserve aquatic ecosystems
(not only by limiting water acidification)
Nuclear power has many advantages for sustainable cities and communities
(decarbonizing transport and district heating: a huge undertaking)
Nuclear power is a tool in the fight against fuel poverty
(energy equality and solidarity are more than just words)
More land to feed people, and better harvests thanks to nuclear power
(leaving room for food-producing agriculture)
Nuclear power saves lives
(it does not pollute the air, unlike coal, and nuclear medicine… exists)
Nuclear-powered desalination provides clean, low-carbon water
(and other nuclear techniques preserve water resources)
Nuclear power supplies industry with electricity and heat with a very low carbon footprint
(for sustainable industrialization or reindustrialization)
Nuclear power helps improve the status of women and equal opportunities
(energy security is a factor of emancipation, and the sector is increasing the proportion of women in STEM professions)
Nuclear power is a vector for partnerships and international cooperation
(in the energy, health and agriculture sectors – and we need them!)
Nuclear power contributes to responsible consumption
(reindustrializing Europe for short-distance consumption)
Nuclear power preserves peace
(energy for all means less chaos)
Nuclear power reduces inequality
(by giving everyone access to affordable electricity)
Nuclear power creates skilled jobs that cannot be relocated
(allowing emerging countries to develop without fossil fuels)
Energy security means good conditions for education
(and nuclear power creates a rich academic and technical ecosystem)